GazeHawk in the Press
AdAge: 10 Startups to Watch: GazeHawk
"For the display-ad business, this kind of analysis can be incredibly valuable, showing creatives exactly which part of the unit catches people's attention -- regardless of whether they click."
Huffington Post: 10 Hot Startups to Watch
"For more experienced online marketers comes GazeHawk, a way to use webcams to track eye movement. This little startup could forever eliminate the default leaderboard/right sidebar display ad layout."
Xconomy: The Eyes Have It: GazeHawk Introduces Low-Cost Eye Tracking Studies for Web Designers
"The most valuable kind of research, apart from tracking actual clicks, is studying where users direct their gaze on a Web page. After all, as GazeHawk co-founder Brian Krausz puts it, 'The first step in getting people to click on an ad is to get them to look at it.'"
Conversion Rate Experts: GazeHawk: how to get eyetracking for one-tenth of the normal price
"GazeHawk ... is about one-tenth of the price of traditional eyetracking. It can afford do so because its technology uses ordinary webcams, rather than expensive custom hardware."
TechCrunch: Y Combinator Backed GazeHawk Heatmaps With Web Cams
"GazeHawk is disruptive in the sense that we've never seen a low-cost, low-effort eye tracking service before."